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Yuri van der Sluis

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My mission is to help B2B Sales professionals to stay relevant in today's market. Digital transformation in B2B Sales is accelerating with lightening speed ⚡. I specialize in helping international sales teams to maximize their relevance for their buyers. We all want to find the best clients and close better and bigger deals. And rightfully so, your value proposition deserves it. But best practices are different, even from just a few years ago. The majority of today's salesforce is still heavily relying on traditional face to face selling. But that has changed completely, now the B2B world is shifting online. this gives the B2B Sales professionals many challenges: from finding new prospects, building new relationships, nurturing key deals and making a digital impact. We can do better, we have to do better. This is what I am all about. I help my clients to: - adopt modern sales methodologies - discover new sales skills needed in the digital world - learn how to use the latest technologies to their advantage I design in-company high impact learning journeys to transform B2B sales teams. Throughout the entire sales cycle, from lead generation, managing opportunities and closing deals, my clients will master: - Hybrid selling / Remote selling / Digital selling using platforms Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google - Video selling with platforms such as Vidyard, Loom and Bombomb - Applying digital tools such as Google jamboard/Miro/Mural - Social Selling with platforms such as Linkedin Sales Navigator It is not the platform but the strategy, methodology and skills you actually apply that will determine your results. Having trained almost 20k sales people around the world, I know what it takes to grow as a professional and the strategy you need to bring in those dream clients. Reach out to me if you as a sales leader are looking to maximize your team's impact when dealing with prospects and clients. ✆ +31 611166754 ✉ E-mail: yuri@yurivander.com 🔷 Send a connection request or send a direct message through Linkedin

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