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Shaun Thompson 🧠

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Food is not the ‘villain’…🦹‍♂️ Your food is not the problem. Read that again. My clients don’t see food as the villain. They don’t label foods as ‘naughty’ or ‘cheat meals’ or ‘bad’. They don’t deny themselves of foods they love, and they don’t spend 4.78 days berating themselves after they indulge. Nothing is off the menu. The menu has every food you could possibly order and you can take your pick. Behaviour Change is not about living off lettuce so you can tighten the notch on your belt. Because yeah, great, you hit your goal weight but now you’re: >> Starving >> Irritable >> Miserable >> Weak (physically & mentally) >> Waiting for it to pile back on the moment you even look at a pringle. It’s about making food your friend and greatest ally. When you join The Behaviour Change Programme, you won’t be met with STOP EATING CRISPS or DITCH THE CARBS or SACRIFICE ALL OF THE FOODS YOU LOVE. (Who’d willingly join that program?? Not I) Instead, you’re going to understand WHY you overeat. You’re going to understand WHY you binge, WHY you restrict, WHY food is your go-to comfort blanket, WHY exercise is met with so much resistance… You’ll understand the root cause and work on that first. Behaviour Change is an active rebellion against plaster fixes. Because the plaster will always fall off. And you’ll be back to resenting your choices, resenting your diet, resenting food, resenting yourself, and struggling to start again. This doesn’t happen with my clients, period. Time to make food your partner in weight loss crime and ditch the restriction misery for good. If you would love to end your yoyo dieting hell and free yourself from the weekend binge then lets book in a time for a call today I'll see you in my dm's Shaun

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