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Max Schulze-Berl, CPCC ACC

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What happens if you never find out what life goals you really want to achieve in order to have a satisfied life? 🎯 Well, you will probably never experience those life goals‼️ You're longing for that dream job or job change, that next vacation or special event. Did you know: You have about 29,000 days to live as a European. Hard truth: If you don't get satisfaction and enjoyment from your work, you'll spend most of your life without it. I'm not saying you haven't tried: ..I'm sure you try to have a work-life balance ..your job is not THAT bad, there are still a lot of positives about it ..you would like to change, but you can't because.. Deep inside, you have that longing for more. That longing for the big change, to life on purpose! What if.. ..you had someone by your side to accompany you through the whole journey? 🚶‍♂️ ..someone to ask you all those exploratory questions and help you get clarity, that is only there for YOU❓ ..you would explore what is holding you back? 👓 ..you would take steps towards your dreams?👣 👋 Hey, I'm Max and I have 2 professions. Working @Fujitsu, providing and modernizing critical legacy infrastructure with a huge impact on society and the economy. Working as a coach - for you. Here's what you get in the ✨Sparkling Change✨ package - I help you to explore your dreams, your life purpose and to take important steps towards them. - We identify your values & strengths 🏋️‍♀️, overcome obstacles 🏃, and set achievable goals. - we discover your saboteur with self-limiting beliefs and your inner leader - We take a deep dive 🤿 into your life and I provide you with support and accountability along the way to your dreams. - 10 sessions of 1:1 coaching with me (Flatrates or single sessions possible as well) Why me - Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), ICF accredited - Unique perspective due to corporate background in the tech sector and experience as a Fujitsu coach - I will accompany you on your journey, celebrate your successes and be there for you in the difficult moments - I ❤️ what I do - I am passionate about equality 🌈 and leadership (I believe that everyone is a leader in certain situations) So if you're looking for clarity and direction in your life, I'm here to help. Let's work together 🤝 to make your life goals and purpose a reality. Impressum: https://www.schulzeberl-coaching.com/impressum Imprint: https://www.schulzeberl-coaching.com/en-gb/imprint Datenschutz: https://www.schulzeberl-coaching.com/datenschutz Privacy Policy: https://www.schulzeberl-coaching.com/en-gb/privacypolicy

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