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Mandy Ward

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Are you the person who says ‘One day’ I’m going to write my life story? But up till now, you’ve not found the time? You’ve already, sadly lost loved ones and you know how it feels….their life story and their memories gone…’if only’….and now you have this niggle in your head about getting your memories written down, just in case. What if when you pop off this mortal coil and there’s nothing left of you but the material things? What if alongside the grief and the hurt of you leaving, all that your loved ones have left of you is what they remember? You may have already sorted out the financial side of things for when you are no longer here - you want to make sure that your family is looked after but what about the emotional side? What about all of those memories, the messages of love and kindness that you think about but have not yet said? How are you leaving your mark? What's going to be left of you - all that experience, all of those wonderful memories? Something more left of you than what happens in those first few weeks after you are gone? What then? What after? In the words of Kilroy, how can you answer the question 'I was here'? Turn that 'One day' into today and write your life story. Organise the jumble of thoughts and memories inside your head and turn them into a book. The author of your own life story, written in your own words. A wonderful gift for your loved ones to read, prompting their memories of you, perhaps pulling the family together, and helping them through the grieving process. They can hold onto you after you have gone. Just imagine the comfort that will give. Your life story is part of your legacy and a gift for your spouse, your children, your friends, your loved ones, and your descendants. Leaving your memories, leaving your mark on the world – ‘I was here’. Your descendants will thank you! A few steps is all it takes to finally make that ‘One day’ today and get your life story written. Taking you through each step on the journey to becoming an author, I’ll guide you through the process from 1st word to finished book on the shelf. Or - you can buy the book - ‘In My Own Words’ and easily complete it yourself! If you’d like to learn more about the template Life Story book - it’s on Amazon right now to buy! If you’d like help with writing it – please get in touch – DM me here, or e-mail me at Mandy@tbwr.co.uk Follow my hashtags #'s on here - helpful guidance & tips to help you get writing. #InMyOwnWordsLifeStoryBook #TheAuthorsJourney

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