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🌀 Kyle vanArtsen 's Linkedin Analytics

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🌀 Kyle vanArtsen

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Hi, I’m Kyle vanArtsen, a sales professional and entrepreneur who serves businesses with innovative solutions. I have over 10 years of experience in various sales roles, from retail salesworker to wholesale manager to global sales development representative. I’ve worked with companies of all sizes and industries, selling software solutions to SMBs and enterprises across healthcare, education, and transportation sectors. I’m passionate about sales because I love solving problems, creating value, and building long-lasting relationships with my clients. I’m also an avid learner who constantly seeks new knowledge and ideas on sales excellence. Helping companies achieve their goals and drive profitable revenue growth isn't just a passion, it is in fact a way of life. I'm all about results, and I know what it takes to succeed in today's fast-paced business arena.

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