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Kristine Bell

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Hi and welcome! I’m Kristine, the founder of KRISTINE BELL CUSTOMER STRATEGY (also trading as SPARKIT insights & strategy) I help business owners ignite brand & business growth by co-creating a 1-Pager Customer Strategy Blueprint with them that aligns their Unique Value Proposition with the motivations of their ideal customers. This includes clarifying, simplifying and bringing their vision, purpose and competitive edge to life in their offer, brand positioning, message promise and customer experience in a compelling and memorable manner. Having an umbrella Customer Strategy in place ensures our offer and marketing hang together and tell the same story across all the executional elements. This is the key to building meaningful customer connections, having greater impact, recall and persuasion power. Ultimately enabling us to convert more sales with ease. I also offer one-off co-creation sessions to clients including a Marketing Strategy & Market Research soundboard session, an Effective Messaging that Connects session and a Rediscover your Superpower session. --- BIG BUSINESS & BRAND OFFER I continue to work with large companies and brands, helping them gain rich insights into their target groups and identify deep insights and new opportunities. My offer includes small scale start-to-finish 'qualitative in-depth research, strategic insights and solutions' projects, starting at about $8K + all included. --- I have 25 years experience as a Customer Strategist & Market Researcher, working internationally as Insight Specialist and Strategist in Advertising, Branding & Innovation and Market Research. I have extensive experience across a wide range of sectors incl. business-to-consumer and business-to-business, both internationally and in Australia. Specialities include: - Developing a robust and rich Target Market Strategy founded in real customer insights. - Clarifying your Unique Value Proposition and how to align it to your target's needs and wants. - Product and service innovation opportunities and how best to add value to customers' life. - Brand strategy to connect deeper with your target market. - Customer decision journey mapping and optimization. - Customer experience solutions that put customers at the heart of your business. - Communication and messaging strategy to engage and emotionally connect with customers. Website: www.sparkit-insights.com

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