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Jay Mount

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My story isn't typical - it's not about steady corporate progression or entrepreneurship from the start. At 23, as a single dad, my journey took an unexpected turn. In big corporations, where I stayed longer than planned, I experienced a different kind of growth. Each night, after my son slept, my dual life as a father and ambitious professional unfolded. But here's something you might not know: in these big companies, I didn't just get by; I excelled. Leading teams from two to 550, I was more than just another face. I was a leader, learning about product development and large-scale expansion. Yet, I constantly wondered, 'Am I too late to start my own business?' This internal struggle, balancing comfort and ambition, kept me restless. Outwardly successful in corporate, inwardly, I yearned for something of my own. Skeptics called my desire to leave a stable career crazy, intensifying my internal conflict. As my son became more independent, my perspective shifted. A change was brewing, a readiness for something new. That's when I left my corporate safety net, embracing the unknown. The excitement of change was tangible, but what was to come? My journey, initially thought to be solo, became a collaborative effort. My first customer, my peers - they were more than connections; they were catalysts for transformation. This transformation led to founding two startups in seven years. Leaving corporate life for entrepreneurship was more than a business move; it was self-discovery, realizing my potential. My achievements are clear: → Generated 9-figure revenue growth for clients and employers. → Progressed through 10 roles in two companies before venturing out. → Grew bootstrapped businesses to 7 and 8-figure heights. → Developed numerous leaders. → Launched several products. → Built two startups in seven years. I share my story to inspire those on similar paths, not for self-praise. If you're wondering if it's too late or too risky, let my experience guide you. I'm here to connect, share, and inspire. Let's discover what lies ahead, together. Join my free newsletter at https://jaymount.me/newsletter

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